Top 10 things to learn from your kids

Sudeshna Goswami Mandal
4 min readDec 23, 2020


We always try to teach or guide our children, we try to protect them with the help of ours. We think that we have a lot of experience as we came 25 to 30 years earlier than them. That is true but partially, in my opinion, there are so many things we guide them but at the same time we can learn many things from them.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

These are the top 10 things you should learn from your kids.

1. Negotiation skill: This is one of the most important skills you need in your daily life. To learn negotiation skills we often take many trainings but if you notice your kids, you can learn better negotiation skills than any training can teach you. We all agree that how good they can negotiate when they need something, even though they might have already had all the things. From next time whenever your child asks something from you and gives the reason and why should he /she needs this, try to notice and learn from them.

2. Ask: This is one of the best qualities of kids. We, elders, often limit ourselves when we want to ask something. Even before asking, we think that we should not ask that much, or justify ourselves that even if we ask we will not get it. Whereas kids ask anything from anyone. They are the real believer in abundance. I think we should definitely learn this quality from them. From next time if you want a raise from your boss don’t hesitate but ask it.

3. Energy: We will all agree with this point. The energy level of kids is beyond our thinking. Have you ever thought why do they have so much energy? I think it’s because they do the thing do love to do. We can learn this from them, if we do the thing we love to do, we won’t notice how the time flies.

4. Creativity & Imagination power: This is another thing we must learn from them. When is the last time you spared some time to think something creative? Think yourself lucky that you have kids who are very creative and their imagination skill is one thing you can learn from them. So when you are spending time with them, do artwork, tell a story, and see how they can imagine the story. Tell them to tell you a story.

Image by Esi Grünhagen from Pixabay

5. Inquisitive Mind: Kids' minds are full of questions! My daughter asks a minimum of 100 questions in a day! Don’t you agree we the grown-ups lost this inquisitive mind and we take most of the thing as it is? So try to learn to question everything you come across. I read a book where it was written that the most successful CEO always ask Why? So this is another thing you should learn from your kids.

6. Learning & Unlearning: Have you seen that you teach something to your kids and the next day if you teach them the same thing in another way, they learn that too. They don’t become rigid. Unlearning is equally important to learn more.

7. Believe and trust: Kids can easily trust anyone. I am not telling that this is a very good idea but I always try to trust most of the people. I am a strong believer of what Rabindranath Tagore said- “Manusher proti Biswas harano Paap” i.e. It’s a sin if we lose faith in mankind. I think believing in others creates a positive mentality and this is another thing you can learn from your kids.

8. Positivity: Have you ever saw kids with a negative mentality. They are born with positivity. Every day is a new beginning for them and this is another thing I have learned from my daughters.

9. Fearless attitude: We all know kids don’t know the word fear! We elders always teach them don’t do this otherwise this may happen! Say if your kids fall from the high chair, the next day he/she will again try to ride that without any fear! That’s another great learning of life we can learn from them.

10. Love: Unconditional love is the one thing which we all receive from any kids, that’s another very important lesson we may learn from them! They don’t expect anything from anyone with the exchange of love they do, and that’s another thing we must learn from them.

I think we can learn more things from kids than teaching them! Do you want to share any other thing which we can learn from kids? Please feel free to share in the comments box. Hope you liked my post. Don’t forget to like and claps.

If you prefer to watch than reading then watch my video on the same topic.



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